Local and state governments across the country are instituting increasingly stringent restrictions on gathering to flatten the curve of the spread of COVID-19 throughout our communities. Janitronics Building Services continues to monitor the current reports and guidance from the CDC, WHO, and public health officials and implement their recommendations into our operations. With many of you instituting remote work policies within your organizations, we would like to provide updates on our continued operations in times of limited occupancy.
We plan to continue our cleaning operations at our properties throughout this time. To do so, Janitronics is currently:
- Coordinating with building staff and implementing contingency plans to maintain essential janitorial and special services. This includes utilizing our staff to provide high touch point disinfecting and other cleaning related tasks and ensure a healthy workforce.
- Modifying our scheduled to adhere to social distancing. Employees will punch in with a staggered process to avoid a gathering at our photo recognition check in points. Employee break periods have been altered to allow for smaller groups and keep the recommended distance from each other.
- Company meetings for COVID-19 Updates are held on Tuesdays and Thursdays via phone conferencing. These meetings are used to update everyone on current policies, procedures & business strategies during this crisis.
- Conduct wellness checks on our employees to ask if individuals are in good health.
- Continuing evening cleaning using disinfectant solutions during the regular evening cleaning of all restrooms and in the first-floor building entrance lobbies, all doors, door handles and knobs, elevator buttons and panels, and other commonly touched areas.
- Continuing day cleaning using disinfectant solutions in restrooms, first floor entrance lobbies, all doors, door handles and knobs, elevator buttons and panels, and other commonly touched areas throughout the business day.
- Providing additional cleaning services at a tenant’s request. Any cleaning services beyond the building standard will be a billable work order to the tenant.
Additionally, we encourage all clients to:
- Promote individual everyday preventive actions per the CDC
Additional information can also be found on state and local public health websites listed below:
- MASS.GOV: Information on the Outbreak of Coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19)
- BOSTON.GOV: Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) in Boston
- CAMBRIDGEMA.GOV: Cambridge COVID-19 Impacts
- WALTHAM.MA.US: Updates Regarding COVID-19 and Waltham City Business/Services